In memory of many fallen or injured cyclists around the world, a group of concerned Malaysian cycling enthusiasts has come together and formed “Share Our Roads” Group.
“Share our Road" Campaign 2 - RIDE of Silence – Klang Valley, Malaysia (Global Event) Public...
Thursday, 29 March 2012
Last but not Least ... A moment of Silent for the Fallen ... R.I.P.
Below are the names of cyclists
in Malaysia who have been killed or seriously injured by motorists.
Please send
us additional names; please include city, date of accident, and status (e.g.,
killed, seriously injured).
Note that the list below has been
limited to individuals who cycle regularly, and does not include children out
on a bicycle ride or individuals injured/killed where they played a role in the
accident; e.g., the cyclist was drinking, ran through a red light, or was out
riding in the middle of the night.
~ List out the Full name cyclists which has
been killed or seriously injured
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